Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Watch Dogs by Ubisoft

In Watch Dogs you play as a man named Aiden Pearce, master hacker of a not to distant future alternate reality Chicago, Illinois. A super computer called the CtOS (or Central Operating System) is running the entire city, and it controls everything from the red-lights, security cameras, police barricades, and essentially everything else in the game. Even the people in the game are hackable. Playing the game, you'll notice little icons appearing over everyone of the NPC's, and a detailed biographer of that person is revealed. You can then transfer their money to your account, and take it out of the closest ATM or you could find out that person has a probability of being a victim of a crime. You can ignore it, or even watch the crime, or you can be a vigilante and take matters into your own hands. 

That's where you begin to understand the depth of the game and it's ability to give the players a very immersive reality. Options is what this game seems to be all about. Your imagination seems to be your only limit inside this Chicago. In general the game play seems to be GTA mixed with the old 90's movie, Hackers. Once you realize you can manipulate just about anything in the world with your smart phone, your mind begins to race with the possibilities, and possibilities is what this game aims to give to the players. This is Chicago, (with some liberties taken by the game makers obviously) a fully realized city with what actually seems like a living breathing population, traffic, and goings on that have nothing to do with you. As great as GTA 4 was/is, no one can deny they seemed a little dead eyed, in Watch Dogs every NPC you come across seems like a real full fledged human being. 

It's actually been confirmed by a representative from Ubisoft, that on XBOX One, the player will be able to see other people in multiplayer doing missions while you're playing the campaign. Imagine you're on a mission in the campaign, and suddenly you see four real players in a firefight with the police. One can only guess what would happen should you try to help them or even capture them. That's what we're all going to have to wait to see when it's finally released.